1. Select Your MOT Test

Hello, should you have any issues when booking, please do not hesitate to call us on 01926 450400

Please select an MOT type:

Details: Cars, Taxis, light Vans and small minibuses

Price: £54.85

Details: Private passenger vehicles and ambulances (13+ seats)

Price: £59.55

Details: Goods vehicles (over 3,000 kg up to 3,500 kg DGW)

Price: £59.55

2. Select When you want to book?

Please choose your preferred date, then select a time from those available.

Select a day:

3. Tell us about your vehicle

Please enter your Vehicle Registration and click Lookup

Please enter your Vehicle Details

Select a Vehicle

4. Tell us about yourself

Fields marked with a * are mandatory

5. Summary

Please keep me updated by
Click below to confirm your booking...

6. Booking Confirmed

Thank you for your booking, should you wish to cancel or amend this please call 01926 450400

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